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treffen:codegolfing:004_gc [2019/12/30 22:41]
max [Lösungen]
treffen:codegolfing:004_gc [2022/07/07 13:24]
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-====== 004 CodeGolfing ======+{{:treffen:fir-tree-branch-with-needles-close-up.jpg?400|}}
 +[[|Christmas photo created by senivpetro -]]
 +====== 004: XMAS Tree ======
 +| Serie | [[treffen:codegolfing|CodeGolfings]] |
 +| Von | [[user:nopx|nopx]] |
 +| Datum | 28. Dezember 2019 |
 +| Download | {{ :treffen:004.pdf |Aufgabenbeschreibung [pdf]}} |
 +| Schweirigkeit | {{:treffen:problemsolving:progress2.png?nolink&160 |}} | 
 CodeGolfing bis zu den [[treffen:lightningtalks20191228|Lightningtalks II]] am 28.Dez 2019. CodeGolfing bis zu den [[treffen:lightningtalks20191228|Lightningtalks II]] am 28.Dez 2019.
Zeile 8: Zeile 19:
 ===== Lösungen ===== ===== Lösungen =====
 Perl, nopx, 191B, {{ :treffen:004_gc_solution_nopx.pdf |Beschreibung}} Perl, nopx, 191B, {{ :treffen:004_gc_solution_nopx.pdf |Beschreibung}}
 +Eine lesbare Lösung mit diesem Ansatz gibt es ganz unten auf dieser Seite. ;) 
 <code Perl> <code Perl>
 $m=$ARGV[0]-1;sub p{($h,$s)=@_;$_=$"x($m**2+$m+2-$s-$h)."#"x$h.$"x$s;print;chop;print~~reverse.$/}for(0..$m){$w=$m*$_;p(1,$w+$_)for(0..$m);$b=($w+1)*($_!=$m);p($m+2+$w-$b,$b)}p($m)for(0..$m) $m=$ARGV[0]-1;sub p{($h,$s)=@_;$_=$"x($m**2+$m+2-$s-$h)."#"x$h.$"x$s;print;chop;print~~reverse.$/}for(0..$m){$w=$m*$_;p(1,$w+$_)for(0..$m);$b=($w+1)*($_!=$m);p($m+2+$w-$b,$b)}p($m)for(0..$m)
Zeile 49: Zeile 61:
 a.each{|i|p(0,m)} a.each{|i|p(0,m)}
 </code> </code>
 +Hatte Tomaten auf den Augen. Nachgereicht 2022-07-01 (190B):
 +<code Ruby>
 +n=ARGV[0].to_i;m=n-1;$b=n*n-n+2;a=(0..m);def p(f,t);s=" "*f+"#"*t+" "*($b-f-t);puts s.reverse+s[1..-1]end;a.each{|i|c=(n-1)*i;a.each{|j|p(c+j,1)};p(*i==m ?[0,c+n+1]:[c+1,n])};a.each{p(0,m)}
 +Python, nopx, 224B (nachgereicht)
 +<code Python>
 +import sys
 +def p(h,s=0):
 +    l=" "*(w-h-s)+"#"*h+" "*s
 +    print(l[:-1]+l[::-1])
 +for e in r:
 +    for l in r:
 +        p(1,m*e+l)
 +    p(w)if e==m else p(m+1,m*e+1)
 +for _ in r:p(m)
 Python, v0tti, 226B Python, v0tti, 226B
Zeile 87: Zeile 120:
 <code Java> <code Java>
 public class X{public static void main(String[]b){int n=Integer.valueOf(b[0]);int s=n*(n-1)+1;int r=s*2;char a[]=new char[r+1];for(int k=0;k<n;k++){for(int j=0;j<n;j++){for(int i=0;i<r+1;i++)a[i]=' ';int t=k*n+j-k;a[s-t]='#';a[s+t]='#';p(s,a);l();}if(k==n-1){for(int i=0;i<r+1;i++)a[i]='#';p(s,a);}else{int x=0;for(int i=0;i<r+1;i++){while(x<n){a[s-n-(k*n-k)+x]='#';a[s+n+(k*n-k)-x]='#';x++;}}p(s,a);l();}}for(int i=0;i<r+1;i++)a[i]=' ';int x=0;while(x<n){l();for(int i=s-(n-2);i<=s+(n-2);i++)a[i]='#';p(s,a);x++;}}static void p(int s,char a[]){for(int i=0;i<(s*2)+1;i++){System.out.print(a[i]);}}static void l(){System.out.println();}} public class X{public static void main(String[]b){int n=Integer.valueOf(b[0]);int s=n*(n-1)+1;int r=s*2;char a[]=new char[r+1];for(int k=0;k<n;k++){for(int j=0;j<n;j++){for(int i=0;i<r+1;i++)a[i]=' ';int t=k*n+j-k;a[s-t]='#';a[s+t]='#';p(s,a);l();}if(k==n-1){for(int i=0;i<r+1;i++)a[i]='#';p(s,a);}else{int x=0;for(int i=0;i<r+1;i++){while(x<n){a[s-n-(k*n-k)+x]='#';a[s+n+(k*n-k)-x]='#';x++;}}p(s,a);l();}}for(int i=0;i<r+1;i++)a[i]=' ';int x=0;while(x<n){l();for(int i=s-(n-2);i<=s+(n-2);i++)a[i]='#';p(s,a);x++;}}static void p(int s,char a[]){for(int i=0;i<(s*2)+1;i++){System.out.print(a[i]);}}static void l(){System.out.println();}}
 +Python in schön, nopx
 +<code Python>
 +import sys
 +# Read command line argument:
 +n = int(sys.argv[1])
 +# We often use n-1, so lets use a variable for that:
 +m = n-1
 +# Calculate length of left part
 +l_left = m**2 + m + 2
 +# Helper function to plot a row
 +def plotline(num_hashes,num_spaces :int =0):
 +    line = " "*(l_left - num_hashes - num_spaces) + "#"*num_hashes + " "*num_spaces
 +    # Remove last column, mirror, concatenate together and plot:
 +    print(line[:-1] + line[::-1])
 +# Print tree part
 +for etagenumber in range(n):
 +    # You may set w = m * etagenumber as we often use that in the following.
 +    for linenumber in range(n):
 +        # Plot lines with on #
 +        plotline(1, m*etagenumber + linenumber)
 +    # Plot line with multiple #
 +    if etagenumber == m:
 +        # Something special for the last etage:
 +        plotline( l_left )
 +    else:
 +        # For all other etages:
 +        plotline( m+1, m*etagenumber + 1)
 +# Print trunk
 +for _ in range(n): plotline( m ) 
 </code> </code>
  • treffen/codegolfing/004_gc.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2022/07/07 13:26
  • von max