====== Info Tiles ====== {{projekte:2023:info_tiles_active.jpg}} {{projekte:2023:info_tiles_boot.jpg }} {{projekte:2023:info_tiles_esp.jpg}} ---- An ESP32 based project, which displays chores that should be completed before leaving the space and their completion status. Contact: [[user:hacker3000|H3]] Status: [[projekte:projektstatus|{{:projekte:done.png?50|}}]] Ownership: [[regeln:labels|{{https://labelgenerator.vspace.one/documented/Arvid.png?200|}}]] ===== documentation ===== Souce Code & Docs are on the projects GitHub page: [[https://github.com/vspaceone/esp32_info_tiles]]. ===== current config.h ===== const char* wifi_ssid = "vspace.one"; const char* wifi_pass = "12345678"; const char * ota_pass = "CHANGE_ME_please"; //#define COLOR_BARS //#define TRANS_FLAG #define LGBTQ_FLAG const char * hostname = "tiles.int.vspace.one"; #define USE_STATIC_IP IPAddress static_ip(10,1,0,53); IPAddress gateway(10,0,0,1); IPAddress subnet(255,0,0,0); IPAddress dns1(10,0,0,1); IPAddress dns2(1,1,1,1);