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Die TechBoxx ist unser (physikalischer) Space. <olmap id=„olMapOne“ width=„550px“ height=„450px“ lat=„50.0“ lon=„5.1“ zoom=„12“ statusbar=„1“ controls=„1“ poihoverstyle=„0“ baselyr=„OpenStreetMap“ gpxfile=„“ kmlfile=„“ geojsonfile=„“ summary=„“ > ~~ Plugin olmap help. ~~ Required in the above tag are values for: id (unique on this page), width, heigth. ~~ Also you will want to enter zoomlevel and lat, lon values that make sense for where you want the map to start.

~~ Below is an example of a POI, you can add as many as you want. ~~ More examples: 50.0117,5.1287,-90,.8,marker-green.png,Pont de Barbouillons; Daverdisse
external link:
internal link: start
DW Formatting </olmap>

Wilhelm-Binder-Str. 19
78048 Villingen

  • techboxx.1467831904.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2020/10/18 14:01
  • (Externe Bearbeitung)